Friday, May 18, 2007

Rear Window

Sometimes our apartment here in Paris reminds me of the Hitchcock film Rear Window.

We have windows on the front side of the apartment, from the lounge salon, main bedroom and bathroom, onto the street, Square de la tour Marbourg, and windows at the rear in the dining room, kitchen, second and third bedrooms looking onto a private park which is created by other apartments, the rear of a church and the access to the AUP (American University of Paris. I've set up my laptop on a small table in the dining room overlooking the private park and other apartments at the rear. Tonight is a warm evening and I have the window open. Not only the sounds of birds in the trees but the sounds of people about their evening’s business drifts in: someone is practising piano very competently; another guitar not so competently. The smell of dinners wafting in is very evocative...something with garlic....irresistible and reminds one in no uncertain way where we are. It arouses similar identification to the smells of roast dinner on a Sunday. Unidentifiable voices...people about their evening. I can see a lady with her windows wide open leaning on the sill watching the evening descend. The rear outlook is much more private now that the winter skeletons have been replaced with the green clothing of spring.

The front of the apartment also provides much entertainment. First thing in the morning we are aware of the joyous sounds of children playing in the yard of the school at the end of the square. Soon after 8 it goes quiet heralded by a long five second bell. Around 10am this same bell reactivates the playful sounds as it does again at lunch time and at the end of school at 3.30pm (sorry 15.30).

By 5pm the local pre teen boys have turned our cul de sac into an exciting velodrome. They tear around on their roll-a-blades winning Olympic medals at one time and practicing for hockey championships at another, and always ready to impress some of the local girls who turn up, but never allowed to participate. Later the soccer ball will provide more entertainment…..occasionally the handheld electronic game intrudes.

Meanwhile on the ground floor of the building opposite the local bridge club is in full swing from mid afternoon until early evening. No noise evidences this activity, but the otherwise shuttered windows are opened to let in the light, and one can see the tables of foursomes with North spelt out on the interior wall.

I am an unafflicted busy body.

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