Sunday, March 25, 2007

A week of visitors and rain

The last week has been quite cold and we've had drizzle to heavy rain on and off all week.

Kwan's friend from USA and a friend of hers have been with us since Thursday.

I noticed for the first time some green shoots on some of the trees. Spring is certainly on the way.

Today, Sunday, it has warmed up with a max of 10 expected. The sun is shinning, which makes it feel warmer. This week it is expected to return to fine days of around 16C.

For some reason, possibly to coincide with the beginning of Daylight Saving, all of the department stores have a 3 day promotion (read sale) and, unusually, are open on Sunday. This has given me a day off from being tour guide and Metro navigator while they have their day of therapy. A whole day of cruising department stores would be like water torture for me. A thankful dispensation.